Regional Music Market
“El NOA tiene que andar”
Quebrada de Humahuaca
August 9 to 11 - 2024 Argentina
El NOA tiene que andar promotes and make known the richness and diversity that the music scene of the entire Argentine Northwest presents today. To this end, each year the Market brings together prestigious national managers, programmers and producers and international leaders in the music industry.
El NOA tiene que andar is a bridge of exchanges, a facilitator of experiences and opportunities to project the region's music at the national level and towards the international circuit. For three intense days, music comes together at the Market through showcases, networking rounds, workshops, talks and current debate tables, among a host of activities.
Leading figures on the world music scene celebrate this initiative with their sights set on the Market; pay attention to everything we have to show from our Region: from Nicolás Ribalet, producer of undisputed prestige, programmer of the most important and oldest World Music Festival in Japan -the Sukiyaki Meets The World- and Piotr Pucylo, Director of the Globáltica Festival in Poland, to Mercedes Caxaj from Global Toronto, Canada and Stefan Schurter, from Deepdive Music in Switzerland, among many more colleagues around the world, will enjoy our full potential.
Music markets are a recognized and common practice in the world, where independent professional musicians have the opportunity to make their work known to different players in the industry in a direct and effective way, promoting future business and hiring.
El NOA tiene que andar, already converted into the most important independent Music Market in Argentina, it seeks to become special starting with the family nucleus of friends who created it and carries it forward. Changing, listening and learning in order to teach, declaim and generate change, providing tools.
With clear and sincere messages in management and production acts, we will try to reach the community that invites us: independent musicians on the path to professionalization and/or internationalization, private or public management, etc.
• 6 Provinces directly involved: Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán. Region that borders 3 countries: Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay, from where they visit us to be part of the meeting.
• We have carried out three successful regular Annual Editions so far (Salta 2021, Jujuy 2022 and Quebrada de Humahuaca 2023) and special International Summer Editions every year.
• Artists, producers, managers, programmers, businessmen and officials from all over the country and abroad attend, yielding verifiable results - with only three editions - hiring, tours and artistic projects that include international crossovers born from our Market.
• More than 500 scheduled and colloquial meetings take place during a weekend, between independent professional artists with potential buyers and generators of national and foreign links.
• We carry out an endless number of activities within the Market, including shows, showcases, dissertations, workshops, work tables, debate and discussion tables, cocktails, lutheria samples, book samples with related topics and multiple informal meetings.
• Our actions continue throughout the year in person and virtually, reaching more than 10,000 people, from conferences and Market presentations at the most important Music Fairs in Argentina, showcases abroad, etc.
• We work directly with producers from countries as diverse as Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Switzerland, Colombia, Uruguay and Canada to name just a few. In the case of Japan, we have signed an agreement to exchange artistic residencies with Sukiyaki Meets the World, the most prestigious and oldest world music festival in the entire archipelago.
• We have the support and endorsement of ASIAr (Association of independent labels of Argentina), ACMMA (Civil Association of Music Managers of Argentina. Our Director is the reference of its Federal Commission), BAFIM (Buenos Aires International Music Fair), MICA (Market of Argentine Cultural Industries), Ministry of Culture of the Nation, Japan Foundation (dependent on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan), among other organizations and Associations.
• We are accompanied by sponsors from the most diverse areas: EDESA, CCU, Flecha Bus, La Francisca, Hotel Huacalera, Pirca Producciones, Pop Tours, CAEM, Altafonte, Humahua, CApEC, Estudio SonoArt NOA, to name just a few.
• We are carrying out conversations to replicate our Market in other regions, such as Cuyo and southern Brazil, to name just two.